Aranya’s ClearPass expert Jonas Hammarbäck shares the experiences we have gained from tests and customers who have completed early installations of ClearPass 6.11 and how we are preparing to help our customers in the best possible way.
What is so special about this version of ClearPass? This new version means a new OS, new partitioning and that it will not be possible to upgrade existing servers from 6.9 and 6.10 to 6.11. All servers must be installed from scratch, for virtual servers this means setting up a completely new server and transferring the configuration via backup and restore and some manual configuration. For hardware servers, this means installation from physical media or ISO image. This in turn will mean that some servers will have to be managed on site in the data hall where the server is located.
The webinar was broadcast live on March 28th and a recorded version is available below:
Please contact us via our website if you need help in planning and implementing the migration to version 6.11, https://aranya.se/kontakt/.