New company profile: Pink is the new turquoise

Feb 18, 2021

Aranya has since the start in 2014 had the same company profile over the years, but now it’s time for a real update.

At Aranya, we are passionate about networking and security, and nothing else. The name itself means spider in Catalan and relates to our role as the spider in the web of our customers, and hence our first logo was based on the structure of a spider.

Now we take this to the next step and move on to an icon that retains the connection to the network, but also embraces our other leg in security by mimicking the contour of a shield. In addition to this, the entire company profile has received an update with primary / secondary colors, fonts, signatures and more to give a more uniform feeling towards the market.

We hope that you customers, partners and suppliers like the new profile as much as we do. And ps we can assure you that we are still the same happy gang behind it 😊

Below are some pictures for download if needed.